Thursday, December 6, 2012

Psalm 143:11/Bring My Soul Out of Trouble

                                   Joshua Looking Up

Are you in trouble today? You know the kind. Spiritual anguish and sorrow so intense you feel you may perish from a broken heart.

I understand. I've suffered on the same path as you.

Listen to what David says: Quicken me, O Lord, for thy name's sake: for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble.

Do we understand what David means here?

Everything we do, say, feel, and believe is to give glory to God. That doesn't always happen, isn't that correct? We're so frail. So human. So needy before our Lord.

Please take a moment to write down this scripture. Post it on your frig or the bathroom mirror. Memorize it.

I'd like to suggest a book that moved me from the stuck position, during my journey of loss. Margaret Brownley's Grieving God's Way: The Path to Lasting Hope and Healing.

Here's my prayer for us today:

Father, please help us to stay in forward motion in our grief. Please show us if we are stuck, or going through the grieving in a way that pleases You. Wrap Your arms of protection around us grieving parents. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Until next time . . . pray.


  1. Amen!
    Thanks for sharing this Jean, we do not have to live in denial, the grief is strong but not stronger than our Father's arms.

  2. Ugochi, thank you for dropping by, and thank you for being a follower.

    God bless you,
